
Gospel Fire International

Support us

God does not call every Christian in the same way that He has called us at Gospel Fire International – to go to Africa and accept the mission and challenge in such a direct way. The call, however, to be a part of spreading the Good News is something that all Christians are to participate in.

Your support through prayer and financial help makes it possible for Gospel Fire International to successfully continue the work in East Africa, and to reach more and more people with the word of God. This help can take on many different forms.

As one example, “Grandma Nancy” from Australia celebrated her birthday by inviting 180 school children from a poor church in Eldoret to a “Birthday Party of a Different Kind”. With plenty of good food, cake, and many fun games, this festival provided by the elderly woman, was a highlight to the 180 young carriers of hope.

There are endless possibilities of how you, who are far away, can be a great help to Gospel Fire International and especially to the people here in Africa.

Our projects

Through the Gospel Campaigns

– GFI contributes to international understanding.
– GFI brings the message to people that through God’s love all people can receive forgiveness.
– GFI brings about lasting change in society through the Good News.

About the project


Talking about heaven. And roll up your sleeves.

In recent years we have had the opportunity to carry out several well projects.

There are still many villages that do not have access to clean water, which is why the inhabitants struggle through with unnecessary diseases.

About the project


Why fish?

Children’s homes in Kenya often lack the essential proteins in the diet that are required for a healthy lifestyle. Here, you can partner with GFI to make a change in their lives.

About the project


Help from the air

Imagine you live in a city as big as Waiblingen and you need medical help. Unfortunately, however, there is only one doctor for the whole town.

About the project

United Kingdom
USA and Canada

Gospel Fire International’s primary goal is to reach the still unreached people groups in eastern and central Africa, but also in places where people have run to seek refuge from hostility. Networking and becoming one in purpose with local and international organizations is important to GFI, as together we help people experience God’s Love in a tangible way. In areas where there are local churches, GFI loves to team up for the expressed purpose of having shared vision. We desire to see fruit that remains.

For donations to GFI, USA and Canada receipts will be issued by ICMS*

*”Gospel Fire International” complies with CRA guidelines for non-profits through our relationship with International Christian Mission Services. ICMS has direction and control of the resources donated to ICMS on behalf of our ministry and holds us accountable for the work that we do.

Bank Details for Gospel Fire International
GFI Germany

GFI General Fund
Gospel Fire International,
Volksbank in der Region eG
IBAN DE97 6039 1310 0007 971001

GFI Humanitarian Projects
Gospel Fire International
Volksbank in der Region eG
IBAN DE47 6039 1310 0007 9710 28

GFI United Kingdom

Gospel Fire International,
CAF Bank
Account number: 00033996
Sort Code: 405240

GFI Switzerland

Post Finance

IBAN CH67 0900 0000 6016 90910

GFI Australia

Bank of South Australia
BSB 105011, Account: 100593040

GFI Kenia

Diamond Trust Bank, Eldoret Branch
Account No. 0199712001 Swift Code: DTKEKENA

MPESA – +254 722 492202
Pay Bill No: 800100, A/C Nr. 010 7 110 002 619

GFI Canada

Cheque payable to International Christian Mission Services.
(Please ensure you note on the check that the payment should go to GFI Africa)

Send cheque to ICMS Canada, Box 24 Stn. A, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6Z4, Canada.

Tel. 01 604 850 1817

online donation


Cheque payable to International Christian Mission Services.
(Please ensure you note on the check that the payment should go to GFI Africa)

Send cheque to ICMS USA, PO Box 8000 PMB 698 Sumas, WA 98295

Tel. 01 604 850 1817

online donation

Alternatively you can use the following details.

Cheque payable to CITA Ministries.
(Please ensure you note on the check that the payment should go to GFI Africa)

Send cheque to CITA Ministries, P.O. Box 953696, Lake Mary, Florida 32795

*For donations to GFI Germany and GFI Switzerland, Tax receipt will be issued and sent beginning of the New Year. Please make sure to give your address.
*For donations to GFI USA and Canada receipts will be issued by ICMS or CITA Ministries.

Supporters about Gospel Fire International

I have known GFI, Peter and Rebekka Franz, for over 10 years, and am impressed by their work and heart. You can feel, hear and see that they care about every single person, you can see that they are called by God and faithfully follow this call. My husband and I are enthusiastic about GFI and are always happy to support their work. Let yourself be infected – and help.

Gabriele Bahnmaier

I have known Peter Franz and his wife Becky for over 30 years. Their authenticity, kindness and passion is exemplary in our time and I am so grateful for their friendship. Their great work with GFI, in Kenya, East Africa, is one of the most effective and exemplary ministries I have come across. Their love for the people there and their dedication have always impressed me greatly. I thank God for all the good they do to countless thousands of people and how they have given their lives to Him for the proclamation of the Gospel. I wish GFI many, many more new supporters for their great task!

Peter Wenz
Leiter einer der größten charismatischen Gemeinden in Deutschland: Gospel Forum Stuttgart-

The GFI, under the leadership of Peter & Becki Franz, is a great blessing in the Kingdom of God. Not only do they reach people in Africa with the best message in the world, but also here in Germany they keep encouraging people to believe in a God who still does miracles today. Despite the great challenges, Peter & Becki work tirelessly for Jesus. It is a ministry that is worth every bit of support. Whoever invests here invests in God’s plan and for world missions.

Sascha Kielwein
-Im Vorstand der Gemeinde Gottes Deutschland und Leiter des Jugendbereiches-

I am excited and inspired by the passion with which Peter and Rebekka are holistically committed to the people, especially in East & Central Africa. Alleviating outward needs is as close to their hearts as is introducing people to the message of Jesus Christ. The Volksmission has been working in partnership with them for many years. With a clear conscience, I am happy to recommend people to them – because I know that they will be well cared for, encouraged, and nurtured in their Christian faith as well as challenged and inspired to live lives of significance!

Dirk Glaser
-Geschäftsführer und Leiter der Weltmission, Schatzmeister der Volksmission-