From Nervous Beginnings to Miraculous Moments

The Diments Family’s Mission Trip to Kakuma, August 2023

Dear friend,
You won’t believe how interesting the past few months have been.
Some visitors from Germany joined us and actively pitched in, whether it was with the truck, the sound system, repairing the interior of the truck, or at our base. We are so grateful for each and every one of them. Such amazing people.
The mission in the Kaliboyei settlement, a part of the large refugee camp outside KAKUMA, was a tremendous success. We were overwhelmed when we saw the thousands of people who attended the events, hungry to hear more of God’s word. Every evening, it was hard to end the event. People couldn’t stop praising and worshipping God.

Below is a report provided by Mim, who, together with her spouse and their trio of children, embarked on a mission trip from England. During their journey, they energetically engaged in the children’s program and offered valuable assistance during children’s study leader seminars.
My husband and I met doing a mission trip and always said we would love to take our kids on a similar trip someday. Well someday turned into Kakuma ,August 2023. Jumping in the GFI trucks with the kids, wind blowing in our faces and hearing the local pastors inviting the residents of the refugee camp to the meetings, was the start of a week full of joy, fear and miracles. What a privilege it was to be asked to help Beki run the kids programme from the stage, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. Before the meetings, my prayers had basically been, “Lord what have I got to offer these people, help me give them you.” I felt out of my depth but desperate for all those that were going to come to somehow through the activities planned to know just how God sees them and loves them. As we drove to the stage on the first day and saw the sea of people, hundreds all there waiting, some I’m sure out of curiosity but many there desperate and hurting, the fear of “Lord what can I offer them” was very much in my mind. But there we all were, me, the kids, Beki, Lavina and the translator looking out over these beautiful faces. Over the week we went through creation, the fall, Noah, Jesus and the cross, David and the feeding of the 5000. We sang songs, we played games, we danced with the puppets and we prayed prayers of salvations with those in the crowd. We saw God working before our very eyes. So many of the children at the start of the week would just stand there. It was so hard to read if what was being shared was relevant and being received well. With few smiles and no reactions when we asked them to join in, it was hard to not listen to the voice in my head of “ yeah what have you got to offer them” when all around me was the reminder of how hard daily life is for these families and how bruised and battered there hearts must be with the pain and loss they have all experienced. But then you would see it, a smile, a relaxed stance, a moment being enjoyed with their friends and by the final day you could hear the laughter and the fun. The joy of kids being kids, of experiencing Gods love and heart for them. What an honour it was to watch God work in their lives. What a mighty and compassionate God we serve. All I could do was offer him the little I had planned, mixed with my own fears from the voice in my head and see him so beautifully minister to us all. Experiencing all this with my own children by my side and to see them serving and helping with the games and songs and witnessing what God was doing in the lives of those in the refugee camp, was incredibly precious. But it wasn’t just my time with the kids programme that was so amazing. Beki and I lead two seminars for the Sunday school teachers as well. To see the compassion and hunger to serve in these 9 young men and 1 young lady was inspiring and humbling. What fun we had looking at the practical ways we can raise up the children in our churches, what games and songs we can teach them and then what applications can be taken from key bible stories to grow and encourage us all. I learnt so much from them all. Those mornings felt like a mutual time of blessing and growth for us all, and I pray even now that they were know how invaluable the work is they do with the children and that God will meet their every need as they minister to the hurt and helpless when they at times feel the same way. I didn’t really know what to expect or to imagine before this outreach But it far outweighed anything I could have imagined and it’s all because of Who God is and what He did. As a family we just loved being part of the whole crusade. Watching the dances and groups from the local churches, hearing Peter preaching and then all praying for the crowds as the sun disappeared. Seeing the hundreds repenting and receiving salvation. Witnessing healings and seeing hope being restored. I can only describe it as a joy and privilege to be be part of legacy that has so faithfully been built up over decades. Working within the ministry of GFI was inspiring and humbling. How they work so beautifully and effortlessly with the local churches and pastors, encouraging them and building them all the time. And how they welcomed us into their homes and ministry with grace and love. It was an experience we as a family will never forget and I pray that all that was poured out and received by all those in Kakuma will last for generations as well. What an incredible God we serve.

We also organised a mission with a YWAM team in South Sudan, during which we screened the Jesus Film at multiple locations, resulting in numerous individuals making a commitment to follow Jesus.
The collaboration and support from local communities were truly remarkable, with an abundance of counselors and volunteers stepping up, demonstrating unwavering commitment. Witnessing God’s miraculous work was awe-inspiring, resulting in numerous profound decisions to follow Jesus and many remarkable healings. It’s a testament to God’s omnipotence and His ability to perform great deeds.
Another remarkable occurrence during our mission was the trouble-free performance of our aging truck and Unimog, which operated flawlessly without any need for repairs – a true blessing.
However, after the evangelism events concluded, we faced an unexpected challenge. Upon opening the speakers, we discovered a distressing situation. Rats had inflicted significant damage during the last parking of the truck in Marsabit. Not only did they chew through a tarp, but they also reached the speakers. These speakers were neatly stacked on the platform and interconnected. To our dismay, we found that the rats had destroyed some of the diaphragms of our most critical speakers.
Following prayers and careful consideration, we have decided to return to Kakuma at the end of October to organize another evangelism effort, this time in a entirely different area. Preparations are already in full swing, and Josh will be visiting in two weeks to meet with pastors and key individuals. We kindly request your prayers, that this mission too may yield enduring fruit.
In the realm of education, we’ve been able to provide several children with the opportunity to return to school. Additionally, a young Pokot girl has expressed her strong desire to become a teacher, an endeavor that costs approximately 1,000 euros per year.
Notably, even our children, Kayda and Hezekiah, commenced preschool this year. Their level of enjoyment is still a matter of curiosity and exploration.

Food Outreach:
Thanks to the substantial rainfall in Kenya, the wheat crop is thriving, and the maize plants are yielding an abundant harvest. Consequently, the Eldoret region is gearing up for the impending harvest season. Our plan is to acquire around 50 sacks of maize, each weighing 90 kg, and store them with us. This strategic move will enable us to offer food aid to those in need in the Turkana and Pokot regions when the dry season arrives in January/February.
1. Kindly join us in prayer for the upcoming evangelism in the Kakuma refugee camp. Among other things, we will gain insights into the impact of our previous evangelistic efforts. The costs for these missions are on the rise, mirroring the general increase in expenses. The estimated total cost for the upcoming evangelism is approximately 20,000 euros.
2. Please devote your prayers to the Service in Mission scheduled from October 14th to 30th, 2023. Some individuals will actively participate, and there are still available spots for volunteers. Your prayers are sincerely appreciated.
3. Urgent prayers are requested for the forthcoming medical mission in South Sudan, planned for November 25th to December 3rd, 2023. Our team, consisting of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and lab assistants, will journey to South Sudan where many areas lack proper infrastructure, roads, and adequate medical support. We will be treating patients in tents and under the shelter of trees. Please pray for a successful mission, safe travels, and effective teaching to new believers. The mission’s budget is set at 10,000 euros.
4. We seek your prayers for financial support to expand our initiatives, particularly in providing educational opportunities for more young people.
5. We earnestly seek God’s guidance in the acquisition of a truck and sound system to enhance our outreach efforts.
6. Lift up Sudan in your prayers, asking for peace and stability to be restored to the government of Khartoum.
7. Lift Becki and Peter in prayer as they embark on a four-week journey in Germany. Pray for blessed services, fruitful meetings with friends, the discovery of new supporters, and a rewarding experience at the BFP conference.
8. Pray for the necessary funds to be raised to purchase the 50 sacks of maize required for our food outreach program.
Let us come together in unified prayer for these needs, placing our trust in God’s provision and guidance.
Your appreciation is truly heartfelt! Peter, Becky, and the entire GFI team are deeply grateful for your support and prayers.
Together, we have the power to create a positive change and offer hope to those who are in need. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and generosity.