Great joy over our first harvest

Nutrition program launched in South Sudan.
With tremendous excitement, the first harvest occurred on a piece of land that, just a few months ago, was covered in thickets and deemed unusable. Now, it has been transformed into fertile soil, and in just five months, we reaped our initial harvest. What an incredible blessing! Initially, we gathered watermelons, followed by lentils, and finally, millet, the primary staple in South Sudan.
This harvest is now being used to support the local school, ensuring that the children receive both breakfast and a meal. The joy radiating from both the children and adults due to this successful harvest is immeasurable. Everyone is astounded by the abundant yield from a previously neglected field! It’s a testament to God’s goodness and the tangible results of dedicating our lives and knowledge to a noble cause. It’s a reminder that from nothing, something significant, precious, and productive can emerge.
For the next planting season, we plan to diversify our crops. This agricultural endeavor serves as a catalyst to demonstrate the range of fruits and vegetables that can thrive on this remarkable Sudanese soil, allowing the local community to witness firsthand the incredible potential it holds.

“All the ends of the earth
will remember and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations
will bow down before him”
Psalm 22:27